Poor SUVs

November 6, 2007 at 11:14 pm (Earth Liberation, News, SUV)

It appears that vandals have targeted SUVs in a suburb of Las Vegas. Around 40 of the SUVs had windows damaged. Of course, the local authorities fear the worst and have contacted homeland security and the FBI in fear that this might be “eco-terrorism.” Lets get this straight. So if I vandalize an SUV because I am concerned with climate change I am a terrorist. If I do it because I hate yuppies I a vandal.

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Some good Links

November 5, 2007 at 5:02 pm (Animal Liberation, Earth Liberation, Environmental Groups, Journals, Links)

Well, I need to work on a first post and I feel that the best use of this space is to provide a bunch of links for those interested in the topic. Please check out these other sites. They all have great information and are a resource for anyone trying to learn about this topic. Hopefully over the next week or so I will spend some time coming up with a glossary of terms and maybe a brief history of revolutionary and radical environmentalism.
Green is the New Red- http://www.greenisthenewred.com/blog
This is a very well done blog that covers the government war against radical and revolutionary environmentalists. This is the best source for up-to-date news regarding the green scare and federal prosecution of environmental activists

Green Scare – http://www.greenscare.org
Speaking of the green scare. This is the site to get any and all information regarding those who are being persecuted or are incarcerated for suspected environmental and animal liberation activities. This is a great source for the history of the green scare and Operation Biteback, and for biographical and support information for environmental political prisoners.

Earth First Journal- http://earthfirstjournal.org/
This is the website for Earth First! which is a loose collection of environmental groups that share a biocentric world view, support non-violent direct action/civil disobedience, and promote a no-compromise perspective. The group has been going strong since 1980 and has undergone many different shifts and stages.

Earth Liberation Front – http://earthliberationfront.com/
Here is the website for the ELF. It is a shell of what it used to be when Craig Rosenbaugh and Leslie James Pickering ran the North American Earth Liberation Front Press Office from 1996 to 2001ish. The new site has some updates on actions and some information on green scare but is mostly now a way to find out about cheap Viagra. Overall the biggest problem with the site is its layout; it is incredibly hard to find anything on the site.

Biteback- http://www.directaction.info
Biteback is, in my opinion, the best resource for animal liberation actions. The journal, and the website, has a quick link to actions that have happened and has articles and interviews with important members of the Animal Liberation movement. Want to know more about Animal Lib. go here.

Animal Liberation Front Press Office- http://www.animalliberationpressoffice.org/
This is the official link for the Animal Liberation Front press office. It is am alright source for information and has most of the released communiqués on file. It is also a decent source for news and background on the ALF. I find biteback to be better, if you order the journal.

Green Anarchy Journal- http://www.greenanarchy.org/
This is the most well known and most influential anti-civilizational journal in the United States (and possible the world?) and it is published here in Eugene, OR. The journal’s best section is the news section. It covers a large number of anarchist, anti-capitalist, indigenous and earth liberation news throughout the world. Overall the journal is supposed to be about “Theory “and “Action” but by far the dominant component of the journal is theory- which is fine with me because I love political theory and philosophy- which is often poorly done. It is definitely worth a look, especially if you know nothing about green anarchism, and it is a great source for a lot of John Zerzan articles.

Fifth Estate- http://www.fifthestate.org
This is the longest running anarchist periodical in the United States and since about the mid 1980s has been one of the preeminent sources for anti-civilizational anarchism. Some of its best work is from “Dave Watson” who’s collected volume Against the Megamachine is a great pick up for anyone interested in environmental politics or anarchist theory.

Green Theory and Praxis- http://greentheoryandpraxis.csufresno.edu/main.asp
This is an exciting academic journal started by Mark Somma, who is a professors of Political Science from Cal. State Fresno. They come out with a new issue biyearly and so far every issue, though small, has been incredibly interesting. The last issue, August 2007, has a movie called “Testify: Ecodefense and Political Violence” that I recommend. The best article, in my humble opinion, is the August 2006 one by Anthony Nocella and Steven Best titled “Revolutionary Environmentalism: An Emerging New Struggle for Liberation.” This article is a great overview of revolutionary environmentalism both philosophically and historically. There is a shorter variant of it in the book Igniting a Revolution: Voices in Defense of the Earth published by AK Press.

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